December 5, 2023

ECCA’s Interim Newsletter: December 5, 2023

Greetings Neighbor!

Occasionally we’ll send out interim newsletters that can’t wait until the end of the week, so here it goes……

Letter from the Arverne East Project and L & M Developers

I am writing to let you know that soil transfer operations for resiliency efforts at Arverne East will begin again shortly:

Please be advised that starting in December, the Arverne East site will start to import soil from a site located at Beach 41th Street.   The soil will be used to protect the development portion of the Arverne East site between Beach 32nd and Beach 41st against sea surge, bay surge, and groundwater flooding by elevating portions of the development area from three to eight feet above the existing elevation, exceeding the level of the last catastrophic storm and current New York City requirements.  The development team received approval from the Mayor’s Office of Environmental Remediation (OEM) through the NYC Clean Soil Bank program to truck the soil to the receiving site, Arverne East, and stockpile it within the fenced boundary between Beach 41st and 38th Street on Edgemere Avenue. The operation will take up to four months, and the trucks will operate from Monday through Friday, 7 am to 3 pm. All applicable permits and approvals are in place. The standard best management practices for dust control and an approved Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be implemented. The development team has hired an environmental consultant to oversee all regulatory approvals and movement of the material from one site to another.

**Neighbor: If you are experiencing any issues with this project, please reach out to the civic.

Housing & Land Use and Economic Development Joint Meeting, December 6th. If you missed the first City of Yes plan, you’ll have another chance.


or to participate.