May 25, 2024

ECCA’s Weekly Newsletter: May 25, 2024

Greetings Neighbor!

Happy Saturday and Wishing You a Great Start to a 3 Day Weekend, well, at least for most of us!

Memorial Day is Monday, May 28th and some of us will have some barbecue, catch a sail, do some Spring cleaning or just do nothing. If you’re looking for something to do within the five boroughs, here is a list of things to do, or if you’d like to stay local, here are some events that are happening in Queens.

While the festivities begin, what do you really know about Memorial Day and why is it celebrated? Memorial Day, which usually falls on the last Monday of the month, is an American holiday and a day of national awareness to honor and remember the men and women who fought and lost their lives in military service while fighting for their country. If you don’t know a Veteran or someone who is active in the military, join in on one of the festivities and thank them for their service.


“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members"

Coretta Scott King


Camp Erin® New York City, a FREE weekend bereavement camp tailored for youth 7-17 (seniors in high school) coping with the death of a significant person in their lives. This year Camp will take place from August 23-25, 2024.



Ebullient: If someone or something is appealingly lively and enthusiastic, they may also be described as ebullient.



The Beach will be open today, May 25th! Please be careful and abide by the signs posted and the closures listed below.

Beach Access

Shoreline is OPEN Beach 9-Beach 38, Beach 47-Beach 149; CLOSED Beach 38-Beach 47.

Access from Boardwalk and Street is OPEN Beach 10-38, Beach 47, Beach 52, Beach 59-106, Beach 126-Beach 144; CLOSED Beach 9, Beach 41, Beach 43, Beach 44, Beach 49, Beach 54, Beach 56, Beach 108-125; OBSTRUCTED Beach 145-149.

 Projected Beach Open/Closed Areas

B9 ​Closed Staging Area​

B10-13 ​Swimming when lifeguards on duty​

B13-15​ Fishing/Sunbathing​

B15-17 ​Swimming when lifeguards on duty​

B18-28 ​No Swim; Open for Fishing, Sports​

B28-38 ​Swimming when lifeguards on duty​likely open B32-36 this weekend

B38-47 Shoreline and Beach Closed; Shorebird Nesting Area

B47-57 ​Shoreline access for passive use; boardwalk paths open at B47, B52

B58-65​ Swimming when lifeguards on duty​likely open B60-62

B67-72​ Surfing, Sand Play​

B74-86​ Swimming when lifeguards on duty likely open B74-77, B83-86

B88-91 ​Surfing, Sand Play​

B93-98​ Swimming when lifeguards on duty​likely open B93-98, B103-107​

B108-126 Closed Dune Construction Shoreline accessible evenings and weekends for Fishing, Surfing, Sand Play​

B126-149​ Swimming when lifeguards on duty likely open B126-130, B140-145


or to participate.