December 9, 2023

ECCA’s Weekly Newsletter: December 9, 2023

Greetings Neighbor!

In the News

The National Weather Service has issued the following:
What: Flood Watch
Where: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island
When: 4:00 PM on 12/10 to 6:00 AM on 12/11
Hazards: Heavy rain of 2 inches possible may cause flooding in the city, including on highways, streets, underpasses, as well as other poor drainage or low-lying spots.

Preparedness Actions:

  1. If you are in a basement, prepare to move to a higher floor during periods of heavy rain.

  2. Do not drive your vehicle or walk into areas where water covers the roadway as the water depth may be too great to allow you to cross safely.

  3. If you lose power and have a disability, access and functional needs, or use life-sustaining equipment (LSE) and need immediate assistance, dial 911.

For the latest weather info: www.weather.gov/okx/.

ECCA attended CB14’s Land Use and Economic Committee Meeting earlier this week to hear about the City of Yes Plan, which is catagorized in three sections: carbon neutrality, economic opportunity and housing opportunity. There were two spokespersons from the Dep’t of City Planning describing the housing opportunity portion and needless to say, many weren’t happy about it. On the other hand, the Dep’t of City Planning is looking for feedback from the community so they can ‘maybe’ make some changes to the plan that’ll fit the desires of most who reside here. Paul Graziano, consultant and a City Planner expert gave his take on the City of Yes Housing Opportunity, which led a lot to be desired. Mr. Graziano is making it known that this plan will destroy the current housing market in years to come. CB14 will hold it’s monthly meeting on Tuesday, December 12th at 7pm at Knights of Columbus (info below).

Updates from Elected Officials

Update from NYC Mass Transit

Saturday, December 9th from 5:30am until Sunday, December 10th at 10:00pm, there will be NO A Train between Rockaway Blvd and Far Rockaway Station.

  1. There will be A Train service between 207th Street and Lefferts Blvd Station

  2. The S shuttle will run between Rockaway Park and Far Rockaway Station

Free A Train Shuttle Buses will run in 3 routes:

  1. Non-stop shuttle between Rockaway Blvd and Far Rockaway Station via the Nassau Expressway

  2. Local shuttle between Rockaway Blvd and Rockaway Park via Cross Bay Boulevard

  3. Local shuttle between Rockaway Blvd and Howard Beach (Airport Side)



or to participate.