December 3, 2023

ECCA’s Weekly Newsletter: December 3, 2023

Greetings Neighbor!

Civic Update

Just as a reminder: the civic takes time off during the months of December and January. We will resume in the month of February of 2024 but our meetings will be quarterly at our new location: Arverne View Welcome Center/ Multi-Purpose Bldg at Beach 44th St. and Edgemere Avenue.

In the News

Renting or buying in NYC depends on your situation. Renting has lower initial costs (minus the programs NYC offers, if you qualify) while buying brings about stability and potential tax benefits, depending on where you live. Please keep in mind that purchasing means you’re locked in to a mortgage for 30yrs (traditionally). Also consider property taxes, how long you plan on habitating and job security. During this era of our lives, job security is the biggest while many are working more than 1 job in order to live and support their families. Use this rent vs. buy calculator and pass this along to anyone who are trying to decipher this question.

NYC Dep’t of Citywide Administrative Services Open Competitive Exams

Council for Airport Opportunity (CAO) holds weekly events and job opportunities.

HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program) applications are now being accepted online or in person at Margert Community Corporation, 325 Beach 37th St., Far Rockaway, NY 11691 from 9am-5pm, Monday’s only. Call for an appointment (718) 471-3724 or Assemblymember Khalil Anderson’s office at 1931 Mott Ave., Suite 301, Far Rockaway, NY 11691, Friday’s only 10am-3pm only. No appointment necessary but calling ahead is suggested (718) 327-1845.

Updates from Elected Officials

Update from NYC Parks

U.S. Army Corp Of Engineers: Resiliency

  1. Sand and dredging and replenishment was conducted between December 2022 and March 2023, extending beach area and access, particularly between Beach 27-38.

  2. Groin construction at Beach 39 and 42 was begun over the winter, and resumed in September. The last two groins at Beach 47 and 52, are in construction now and expected to be complete in early 2024. This will close out the Rockaway groin contract.

  3. Reinforced dune construction in this area is anticipated in the 2024-2025 off-season.

Arverne East Nature Preserve

  1. Construction of the 36-acre preserve was substantially complete in June, with a “soft opening” in July. Remaining work, notably electrical activation and lighting, and warranty and plant replacement, will be completed prior to 2024 season.

  2. Multi-purpose building occupancy began in July, and public restrooms opened in September. Restrooms will be available during daylight hours year-round. (In winter, only the two single-occupancy “family restrooms” will be available, as the larger restroom area is winterized.)

  3. Parks Operations staff moved into the building in July, and Urban Park Rangers in October. Parks staff will have a presence in the building 7 days a week.

  4. Urban Park Ranger Conservation Corps high school afterschool program based here September-November. Corps members did service learning each week.

Shorebird Nesting

  1. In response to community concerns, we implemented a dynamic management approach to protect endangered species while allowing for more beach access this summer. We implemented several major fencing changes this summer to increase community access to the beach as the endangered shorebirds fledged. These changes were drastically different from prior management practices when the shoreline was opened after plovers and terns fledged but fencing was left in place from Beach 38-57 until December. This dynamic management approach has been successful in providing both endangered species protections and community access.

  2. As part of dynamic management, shoreline pedestrian access was opened in late July, after the last piping plovers fledged, and upland access west of Beach 47 was opened in early August. In mid-August, as plover breeding activity in this area ended, access was opened from Beach 38 west to Beach 41. Upland access between Beach 41 and Beach 47 remained restricted until September due to territorial terns.

  3. Despite two incidents of vandalism resulting in the loss of 8 eggs, we had 17 pairs of piping plovers fledge 6 chicks, 36 pairs of American oystercatchers fledge 40 chicks, and 80 least terns, 86 common terns, and 82 black skimmers nesting at the site.  

  4. Seabeach amaranth plant colonies remained protected into the fall as they set seed. There were 348 plants this year.


  1. Arverne East Nature Preserve provided new seamless, accessible connections to the Boardwalk at Beach 44, 47, 49, 52 and 54. Arverne East construction between Beach 32-44 closed or diminished access from the street in these areas; the ramp and stairs at Beach 43 will reopen in 2024, but other locations are expected to be obstructed for a longer term.

  2. New and ongoing dune construction made ADA access to the sand a challenge this season. Many of the dunes were too steep to allow wheelchair access; as the dune construction work is completed, accessible ramps and graded mobility mats will be installed.

  3. Sand/mobility mat access was available at Beach 25, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 59, 61, and 67 Streets. Stair access connecting to mobility mats was available at Beach 30, 34, 35, 60, 62 and 65 Streets. Vehicular access (no mat) was available at Beach 38 Street.

  4. In mid-late August, access from the boardwalk to the sand was opened at Beach 52, 54, and 56. In early September, access was added at Beach 44, 47 and 49, and accessibility mats installed from boardwalk to near the high tide line at Beach 44, 47, 49, 52, and 56.

**With these important updates from NYC Parks, we still have to be adamant on our plight to regain access to the beach during the nesting season, which is between the months of May and July/August, which is also the period where you’ll see the highest amount of beachgoers. Here’s the link to ECCA’s petition Birds Over People.


or to participate.