June 9, 2024

ECCA’s Weekly Newsletter: June 9, 2024

Greetings Neighbor!

Happy Sunday and we hope you’re enjoying your weekend thus far! As you read through this newsletter, and the ones prior, our hope is that it brings you the information you need and desire. If not, please feel free to send us an email or visit our IG page and send us a DM. We encourage feedback as it makes for better communication. ECCA’s newsletter will change to bi-weekly within the next month but always feel free to reach out. We will keep you updated as to when the next civic meeting will be and hope you’ll be able to join us as we have important topics to discuss, but more importantly, we’d like to hear from you.


“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members"

Coretta Scott King


If you Oppose the City of Yes, Please Sign This Petition



Transmute: a change in appearance or form (v)


Yesterday members and supporters of ECCA witnessed people getting off the A Train at Beach 44th St. with beach towels in hand along with other beach paraphernalia, only to find out that the beach was closed due to the bird sanctuary. We saw the dismay in their eyes and sensed their confusion. We had to explain to them about the closing of the beach and the nearest beach access, which is almost a mile away going east or west. We also witnessed a couple, who was not familiar with the beach closing, enter the beach and walked along the shoreline despite the signage that was displayed.

With these instances in mind, ECCA continues to fight for access to the beach within the Edgemere community. If you’re not aware, no one in the Edgemere community has beach access due to the bird sanctuary which encompasses the piping plovers, black skimmers, and other threatened birds and vegetation. Our goal is to cohabitate with the birds by making access to us as they do in other adjacent neighborhoods. Please sign our petition, Birds Over People, if you agree that we all deserve the right to this wonderful amenity, an amenity that we all pay into through our taxes.

Weather permitting, the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene will conduct aerial-based application of mosquito larvicide to help prevent West Nile Virus between 6 AM and 7 PM on Friday, June 7th and Monday, June 10th to Tuesday, June 11th. Application will be conducted in parts of the following Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and The Bronx.

ZIP codes: 10303, 10311, 10314, 10309, 10306,10308, 10312, 10305, 11229, 11234, 11207, 11236, 11239, 11361, 11362, 11363, 11364, 11354, 11356, 11357, 11691, 11692, 11413, 11422, 11430, 11355, 11365, 10464, 10475, 10465. 

**In case of inclement weather, the alternate time frame for this activity is between 6 AM to 7 PM on Wednesday, June 12th to Friday, June 14th. 

For a map of specific locations, visit https://flic.kr/p/2pVgbSJ
For more information, visit https://on.nyc.gov/3aHuKQ7 or call 311.


FREE Programs by NYC Parks

Shape Up NYC Cardio Punch Beach @ 59th St Saturday mornings from 11:00am-noon.

Shape Up NYC Uplifted Dance Fitness @ Bayswater Park Monday evenings from 6:00-7:00pm.

Registration is open for City Parks Foundation’s free golf and soccer clinics at the Beach 32nd Street Field. Register online at Beach 30th St. Playground Soccer or Beach 30th St. Playground Golf


Unfortunately, parking on-site at the airport will NOT be validated.

Public Transportation is strongly encouraged.

Council for Airport Opportunity | 718-523-7100 | 90-04 161st Street https://www.caonynj.com/


or to participate.